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Released: 1976
You know that girl you've been picking on in school?  Well, she might just snap one day.  She might even have telekinesis.  That's not a disease of the digestive system, by the way, it's the ability to move things with your mind.  But anyway, it's a great movie with a very spectacular and climactic ending.  Let's just say that people will put up with just so much before they open up a can of whip-ass on you.  And she unloads a truckload of it on these people, let me tell ya! 

Sissy Spacek is great in this movie and it also features John Travolta way back when he was originally cool.  Then, not long after he was in this movie, he wasn't cool anymore.  Eventually he became cool again.  Actually, he's much cooler than he ever was because he's making mega millions now and that's pretty cool.  I wouldn't be able to personally verify that, given my poverty status but I imagine it would be pretty cool to make mega
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