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The Bride of Frankenstein

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Released: 1935
It's so hard to meet that special someone these days.  You've tried the Internet, the bar scene and even hanging out in supermarkets.  Still, you can't seem to find Mrs. Right.  Hey, here's a new approach:  Have Dr Frankenstein build a woman for you!  Now the end product isn't all that great but you have to understand the technological limitations of the time.  Imagine if they tried it now.  You could probably special order someone who doesn't nag, have serious emotional baggage and is always in the mood.Meanwhile, back to the movie: This movie should be purchased with the original Frankenstein movie. They would make a great set. They simply compliment one another. Unfortunately, all of the Universal Studio Frankenstein sequels to follow were just not nearly as good. It seemed as though they were pieced together with one bad idea after another to create the ultimate monstrosity. Just buy the first two and leave it at that.
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