We do, however, display ads from outside
advertising companies and affiliate programs on our site. These ads may
contain cookies. While we don't use cookies in other parts of our Web
site, cookies received with banner ads are collected by the advertising
companies and affiliates and we do not have access to their information.
Our site
has surveys where you may be asked if you would like to be on our e-mail
list. It also asks for demographic information such as your age group.
Any information you provide is not only optional on your part but is
never shared with any company other than Craypoe Productions, the
operating company behind DrPsychotic.com and other Craypoe.com
associated websites.
DrPsychotic.com has links to a number of other sites such as social
networking sites and sites of interest in a number of categories. It
also has its own accounts on social networking sites like Facebook,
Twitter and Myspace, to name just a few. All those sites and their
companies have their own privacy policies and DrPsychotic.com will only
vouch for itself and other Craypoe.com associated Websites.
This site also links to message
boards available to users on other sites like Facebook, Myspace, etc.
Please remember that any information that you provide on those sites may
become public information and even though we are not responsible for
what takes place on their sites, we still suggest that you exercise
caution when deciding to disclose your personal information on those
other sites.
If you have any questions about this
privacy statement or anything having to do with this website, you can
contact us using the contact information provided on our contact page.