HArke how the
Minstrels gin to shrill aloud, Their merry Musick
that resounds from far, The pipe, the tabor, and the
trembling Croud, That well agree withouten breach or
iar. But most of all the Damzels doe delite,
When they their tymbrels smyte, And thereunto doe
daunce and carrol sweet, That all the sences they
doe rauish quite, The whyles the boyes run vp and
downe the street, Crying aloud with strong confused
noyce, As if it were one voyce. Hymen io Hymen,
Hymen they do shout, That euen to the heauens theyr
shouting shrill Doth reach, and all the firmament
doth fill, To which the people standing all about,
As in approuance doe thereto applaud And loud
aduance her laud, And euermore they Hymen Hymen
sing, that al the woods them answer and theyr eccho