YE Nymphes of
Mulla which with carefull heed, The siluer scaly
trouts doe tend full well, and greedy pikes which
vse therein to feed, (Those trouts and pikes all
others doo excell) And ye likewise which keepe the
rushy lake, Where none doo fishes take. Bynd vp
the locks the which hang scatterd light, And in his
waters which your mirror make, Behold your faces as
the christall bright, That when you come whereas my
loue doth lie, No blemish she may spie. And eke
ye lightfoot mayds which keepe the dore, That on the
hoary mountayne vie to towre, And the wylde wolues
which seeke them to deuoure, With your steele darts
doo chace fro[m] comming neer Be also present heere,
To helpe to decke her and to help to sing, That
all the woods may answer and your eccho ring.