EArly before
the worlds light giuing lampe, His golden beame vpon
the hils doth spred, Hauing disperst the nights
vnchearefull dampe, Doe ye awake and with fresh
lusty hed, Go to the bowre of my beloued loue,
My truest turtle doue Bid her awake; for Hymen is
awake, And long since ready forth his maske to moue,
With his bright Tead that flames with many a flake,
And many a bachelor to waite on him, In theyr
fresh garments trim. Bid her awake therefore and
soone her dight, For lo the wished day is come at
last, That shall for al the paynes and sorrowes
past, Pay to her vsury of long delight, And
whylest she doth her dight, Doe ye to her of ioy and
solace sing, That all the woods may answer and your
eccho ring.