NOw al is
done; bring home the bride againe, bring home the
triumph of our victory, Bring home with you the
glory of her gaine, With ioyance bring her and with
iollity. Neuer had man more ioyfull day then this,
Whom heauen would heape with blis. Make feast
therefore now all this liue long day, This day for
euer to me holy is, Poure out the wine without
restraint or stay, Poure not by cups, but by the
belly full, Poure out to all that wull, And
sprinkle all the postes and wals with wine, That
they may sweat, and drunken be withall. Crowne ye
God Bacchus with a coronall, And Hymen also crowne
with wreathes of vine, And let the Graces daunce
vnto the rest; For they can doo it best: The
whiles the maydens doe theyr carroll sing, To which
the woods shal answer & theyr eccho ring.