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Medieval jokes are great for when life is just dragon you down.
Dragon and knight
Medieval cures...
Were leeches on society

Medieval code of honor for digging
Why were the Medieval centuries known as the Dark Ages?
It was the knight time
There were three medieval kingdoms on the shores of a lake. There was an island in the middle of the lake, over which the kingdoms had been fighting for years. Finally, the three kings decided that they would send their knights out to do battle, and the winner would take the island. The night before the
battle, the knights and their squires pitched camp and readied themselves for the fight. The first kingdom had 12 knights, and each knight had five squires, all of whom were busily polishing armor, brushing horses, and cooking food. The second kingdom had twenty knights, and each knight had 10 squires. Everyone at that camp was also busy preparing for battle. At the camp of the third kingdom, there was only one knight, with his squire. This squire took a large pot and hung it from a looped rope in a tall tree. He busied himself preparing the meal, while the knight polished his own armor. When the hour of the battle came, the three kingdoms sent their squires out to fight (this was too trivial a matter for the knights to join in). The battle raged, and when the dust had cleared, the only person left was the lone squire from the third kingdom, having defeated the squires from the other two kingdoms, thus proving that the squire of the high pot and noose is equal to the sum of the squires of the other two sides.
We argued all day about what to call a medieval soldier
But it was getting late so we decided to call it a knight.
What do you call a Medieval spy?
Sir Veillance
Why did the cannibal have a medieval peasant and JK Rowling over for dinner?
They wanted to eat serf and terf.
My girlfriend keeps turning down my invite to the medieval fare because she's busy
with "activism" and "planning women's marches".
The lady doth protest too much, methinks
 A beggar comes up to a tavern where the owner is cooking a roast of beef on a spit. The beggar has a piece of bread and holds it out over the roast so that is catches the grease that is rising off the roast into the air. The tavern owner says nothing until the beggar has captured enough grease and starts to walk off, eating the bread. "Stop there" says the tavern owner "You owe me a penny for the grease you took from my roast." "But it was just blowing away in the air. I owe you nothing." replies the beggar. The two start fighting and a crowd forms. Each appeals to the crowd to support their side. The crowd thinks this is really funny and push the town fool forward with cries of "Let him be the judge." The fool listens to each side of the story and then, turning to the beggar, asks if he has a penny. When the beggar says yes, the fool tells him to throw the penny into a metal pot so that it rings loudly. Confused as to what this means, The beggar nevertheless does as he is told and makes the coin ring out. "There" exclaims the fool "The debt has been paid. The beggar has eaten the smoke
from the roast and has paid for it with the sound of his money." The crowd dispersed, marveling at the wisdom of the fool.
Last night, I gave my girlfriend a medieval battle uniform to polish while I went to
the bar...
She always said she wanted a night in, shining armor.
Researchers discovered that King John in medieval England created the first comic strip. It was called the "Mangacarta".
Did you know there were vegetarians in Medieval Europe?
More often than not, they were called "peasants"
How did murderers hide the body in medieval times?
They start by dragon it.
At Medieval Times....
We were all cheering for our knight and my wife started to complain about getting a sore throat from all the yelling. I said we'd all be a little ho(a)rse in the morning. I got smacked.
I googled "missing medieval servant"...
And it came back: "Page not found"
Why did the medieval bank teller get fired?
He gave them no quarter
A pauper is sitting by a road in medieval England. All of a sudden, Robin Hood comes out of the forest, throws a bag of gold at the pauper's feet and says, "I am Robin Hood. I take from the rich and give to the poor." The pauper tears up, embraces Robin Hood and says, "I am finally rich." Robin Hood then stabs the pauper with his sword, "I am Robin Hood. I take from the rich and give to the poor."
Back in medieval times King Arthur had a knight that collected taxes
His name was Sir Charge
We had a history exam on medieval defense methods
I got an A for a fort
I wanted to name my son Lance, but my wife said it was too uncommon...
... I told her that in medieval days, people were named Lance a lot.
A cook during medieval times is ordered to prepare a feast for the king. Knowing this was a feast for the king, the cook prepared everything diligently and carefully. At the day of the feast, the king and his guests arrive and begin to eat. They are in love with the food from the lamb to the roast duck to even the soups. The king recognized the cooks ability and made him a top chef of the kingdom. Many apprentices flocked across the world to be his student, but the cook never took any in. Until he came upon one apprentice he was very fond of. This man did everything precisely and worked hard and he finally decided to take him in as his apprentice.

On the first day, the apprentice first asked, "what makes your food so tasty and amazing?" The cook merely replied, "A secret ingredient," and said nothing more. After a month of serving many delicious dishes with the cook, the apprentice claims, "It's been almost a month now and you have never let me prepare the final part of the dishes we make; what is the secret that makes ur food so good?" The cook merely replies, "A secret ingredient," and he never brings up the subject for a while. A year has now passed and the apprentice asks again," we have served the kingdom with food and yet you have never told me what the final preparation is nor have you showed it to me; what is it?" The cook merely replies, "A secret ingredient," and the young man gives up. Many decades pass and the cook is now old and ready to die. The apprentice, on his side the whole time, is on his deathbed with the cook. Then with his frail hands, the cook manages to get out a tiny box, open it, and whispers, "It's thyme my friend."
What is the rain's favorite medieval reenactment?
Storming a castle.
Every vote counts
In medieval times, every count votes.
What do medieval postmen wear?
The crime rate in medieval times
A renowned knight, known for the way he stands when he ejaculates, defended the kingdom so well, crime fell to the lowest levels ever heard. Some say this occurrence was random, others say it was the product of Sir Cum Stance. 
A medieval worker in England was fixing the fence on the top of the castle He decided to take a break because he was hungry. Two knights practicing combat nearby. One of them accidentally made a mistake and got shoved into the unfixed fence. When the fence broke, he forcefully fell down the long distance. When he got down, in his dying breath, he screamed "THIS ISN'T EVEN REPOSTED!"
A strange sight was seen in the Skies of Medieval Canterbury
It was a flying Chaucer!
Told my friend I went to the waxwork museum and they had a waxwork of a medieval
knight wielding his weapons.
"Nah, he was holding a mace."
It's medieval times
There are bets being put on on who can shoot the apple from a man's head. First goes Robin Hood. He shoots it right at the apple and says:"I'm Robin Hood." Then there goes William Tell. He shoots the arrow at the apple and it even destroys the apple and he says:"I'm William Tell." And then comes the third guy. He aims and shoots the arrow right in the guy's head and he says: "I'm...I'm sorry."
Me: Honey, we are having dinner tonight with a medieval ruler of Germany.
Her: F*ck. Not Burger King again!!
There was this really talented female painter and one day she painted this magnificent painting inspired by medieval times of a ball. It was filled with lords and ladies dancing with each other, a table filled with food for the feast, fools entertaining, and men in armor standing guard. She was so proud of this picture she called her friend over to show it to her. The friend saw it and said, "Wow this is really great! But I have just one question, why was this painted mostly in red?" "Well I used my menstrual blood to paint most of it." The painter replied. Her friend just stared at her in horror. She continued to explain, "Its a period piece you see."
What do you call a medieval jouster recently released from prison?
A Free lancer!
I read of a medieval knight who was always sure of himself.
Sir Tainly
In medieval times, there is a young boy who lives with his mother and has never met his father. One day, he says to his mother: "Mom, did my father have a genetic disorder that causes him to have a lump on his back?"
Mother: "Why would you think that?"
Son: I just have a hunch.
Last year for Christmas I got my little brother an abacus in the shape of a medieval Stronghold. He hated it and was really ungrateful. Our dad said "Hey! It's the fort that counts."
When medieval armies went off to war...
were they playing for keeps?
My buddy was into medieval things, so I asked if he had ever been poked by a lance, He said "no but I was once lightly caressed by a Stephen"
Did you hear about the nun who got into trouble for drinking communion wine from her convent's medieval goblet?
No, but it serves her rite.
I'm in a Medieval-themed metal band
We're called "Bards of Prey."
It was quite dangerous for messengers back in the medieval era.
They often had to wear mail armor.

A medieval knight walks into a bar, holding a large blunt weapon...
..."Why the long mace?", asks the barman.
How was medieval armor delivered?
by mail
For several days each month, some friends and I get together, play instruments and sing in a medieval style.
I guess you could call it my minstrel period.
When did medieval soldiers go to sleep?
Knight time.
Where do you go to become a medieval warrior?
Knight School
I wouldn't trust medieval executioners in today's world.
They are prepared to kill people, simply to get a head.
I was sword fighting this guy medieval style then all of a sudden he starts to unscrew his pommel
And then it hit me...
Did you know that back in medieval times, soldiers would sleep with lanterns next to them so they could see if something happened.
They were called "Knight Lights"
I like my wine like I like my medieval cities.
What did the Medieval Gynecologist say to his patients?
At your cervix, m'lady
No one could measure their height in medieval kingdoms.
Only the Ruler could.
Why the medieval era was so dark?
'cause it was full of knights
What can you find in both medieval English castles and American art museums?
Norman Rock Wells.
I'm glad we haven't invented the time machine yet Last thing I'd want is my work getting outsourced to a medieval era person.
 Which cheese surrounds a medieval castle?
What did they call the daredevil in Medieval times?
Medieval Knievel

What did the borg say to the medieval peasant?
Resistance if feudal
What do you call a drunk medieval poet?
I got into an argument with a friend about what the best medieval weapon was. I said the Warhammer, he said the Mace. It got so heated we are currently not speaking to each other...
Talk about blunt force drama.
What do you call a medieval horse in the army
A knight-mare
I went to a dad-joke competition at Medieval Times last weekend..
They called it the Game of Groans.
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