The balalaika is plucked and strummed
with the fingers instead of the use of a plectrum or pick. One of the
most important techniques is the tremolo. This is done with the index
finger and may be a bit difficult to master. The instrument also
requires extensive use of the thumb on the fretting hand. Both the use
of the fretting hand thumb and mastering of the tremolo are probably
the two most difficult aspects of learning to play the instrument
Often a melody line is played on the steel string while the
accompanying tones are played on the nylon strings. This
creates a sound unique to the balalaika. A fast tremolo, however,
is somewhat reminiscent of the tremolo technique used on a
mandolin. However, a pick is most commonly used for the tremolo on
the mandolin, whereas the tremolo is done with the index finger on
the balalaika.
I bought a balalaika out of curiosity and was a bit skeptical as
to what could be done on an instrument with only three strings, with
two of them being tuned to the same pitch. I have come to realize that
this instrument holds many possibilities and some very beautiful music
can come from this instrument. I am a believer now and I am more than
happy to recommend it to others. In fact, I would love to see the
instrument become popularized in the United States. Even though I
bought a lower price model, I love my balalaika and you'll have to pry
it out of my cold dead fingers when I die.
Bob Craypoe |