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Making Money With Articles - Finding An Outsourced Writer by Valerie Kendall comic Strip

One needs to be patient when searching for the ideal freelance writer for your many revenue producing articles. Looking for a writer who will easily take on an additional clients (you) and be able to take on jobs whenever you have the need for new money making articles is never easy.

If you are new at this, it is recommended that you begin with a small number of articles. This is because you may engage a freelance writer which you are less than exhilarated to do business with. This may be due to whatever reasons (budget, not a wide variety of writers to choose from etc). Nevertheless it is vital to bear in mind that there are many diverse forms of writing types and while some writers are skilled in one domain they may be less skilled in writing on other subject matters.

To give you an idea, listed below are some writing expertise skills: sports writing, essay/report writing, biographical writing, news writing, critical writing, copy-writing, poem/verse writing, technical writing, medical writing, essay/report writing, general informational article writing, and creative/fiction writing. As you can see, it is near impossible for a writer to be skilled in all areas of writing although many of them do spread out to other areas as well. But as expected, some do fair better at certain subjects then others. So this is why it is vital that the writer choosen should be able to produce your money making content as per your requirements.

As a recommendation, I would suggest that you search for your required writers by visiting the many freelancer sites available. Most of them will let you post your requirements and budget on them.

Soon after you will receive bids from the various service providers. It will be wise to request for written sample(s) in order to get a rough gauge of their written skill level or even better request a written sample of the subjct matter you are looking for. This would be especially useful for example if you are looking for a copy-writer, do not engage a provider who only sens you a sports writing sample. That person might be a good sports writer, but copy-writing is about selling, making money online (a product, service, or yourself) to your website visitors.

As a general rule of thumb, the bigger your budget per content piece. The more bids you will be getting from service providers. The smaller the budget and you may get lesser bids and even less experienced writers. One may think that $30 or more for a 500 word article is expensive but imagine how much money you can make online with that article. To produce good work, the writer you engage will need to invest time and effort in writting your content so that it can serve its purpose, to entice visitors to buy from your money making site. If you pay for quality, you will be amazed at how much you will eventually make off of your articles.

Lastly, you can also view the writers statistics like the amount of money earned, jobs complete so far as well as clients feedback. This will give you a rough gauge on the quality of their work.

The article above should at less point you towards the right direction in your quest to finding the right writer for your money making websites.

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