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The Texas Chainsaw Massacre

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Released: 1974
"Nobody killed like Granpaw did. He was the best!"  That line from the movie should give you a little taste as to how bizarre the film is.  It's supposedly based on a true story but has some serious embellishments.  The sequel was an even greater exaggeration.  Both the Texas Chainsaw Massacre and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 have quite a few moments of humor though.  Well, depending upon what you might describe as being funny.  I would say that the first one is more on the scary side and that the second one is more on the funny side.  So you decide which one you'd prefer.  The best part in the movie, for me, was when that non-stop whining pansy, sissy boy in the wheel chair finally gets a chainsaw through the gut.  I Swear, nothing else would have stopped his frickin' whining!
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