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The Exorcist

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Released: 1973
Raising kids can be difficult, these days but this scenario really takes the cake.  The Exorcist Is a great mix of spewed pea soup, foul language from a possessed girl and a terrified mother that really makes for a great horror film.  This movie was destined to become a horror classic the day it was released.  Unless you've been living in a cave up in the mountains your whole life, it would be impossible for you not to have heard of it.  If you collect horror movies, you have to have this one.  The Exorcist was not only a very successful horror pic but it was undoubtedly one the best written ones ever. The Exorcist 2 was awful, don't buy it! The only real feelings of horror derived from that one would be in the form of buyer's remorse. However, the much later to be released Exorcist 3 was just as brilliant as the first. And George C. Scott's acting was superb. The first and the third exorcist movies make a great combo and you could watch them successively without even watching the second one, and nothing even mildly important would be missed.
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