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The Towering Inferno

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Released: 1974
Do you like your cast members extra crispy or original recipe?  Okay, maybe you'd prefer for them to not be burned at all.  Especially when the cast consists of people like: Steve McQueen, Paul Newman, William Holden, Faye Dunaway and Fred Astaire.  The title is an obvious give-away regarding the subject matter of the movie.  The recently completed (fictional) San Francisco skyscraper, "The Glass Tower," sort of catches fire.  Well, maybe more than sort of.  In fact, it goes up like Michael Jackson's hair did in that Pyrotechnic mishap he experienced during the filming of that Pepsi  commercial.  What's worse is that it's on the night of the dedication ceremony, were the party is being held on the 130th floor.  And to add fuel to the fire (so to speak) the fire starts 50 floors below the party.  How do they get out of this one?  Well, you'll have to watch the movie but let's just say that there's a lot of action, the effects were the best the time period in which it was filmed had to offer and the cast was top notch.
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